Tuesday, January 12, 2010

BC Gateways

British Columbia’s ports are the shortest marine links to the surging economies of the Asia-Pacific.
The Province’s major ports, airports, railways, and roadways are a major hub in a supply chain providing many of the goods we consume each and every day. The hub is known around the world as the Pacific Gateway.
Our established road, rail and air connections reach deep into the heart of Canadian and US markets. Container traffic to all west coast ports is forecast to rise a staggering 300% by 2020.
A unique partnership of Gateway industries and governments at the Federal, Provincial and Regional level oversees the Pacific Gateway Strategy. High level coordination ensures a robust, reliable, and sustainable supply chain.
For learn more about Canada's Asia Pacific Gateway and CorridorInitiative visithttp://www.tc.gc.ca/CanadasGateways/APGCI/index.htmland British Columbia's Pacific Gatewayvisit: http://www.th.gov.bc.ca/PacificGateway/index.htm.

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